'Back to plastic': Donald Trump to bring back plastic straws

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 Donald Trump to bring back plastic straws

US President Donald Trump slammed the environmentally friendly paper straws endorsed by President Biden and announced plans to bring back plastic straws in the United States.
"I will be signing an executive order next week ending the ridiculous biden push for paper straws, which don't work. back to plastic!" Trump said in a post on Truth Social.

The Democratic administration had previously set a goal to phase out single-use plastic items, including drinking straws, across government departments by 2035.

This move aligns with Trump's previous environmental policy choices, including the withdrawal from the Paris climate accord following his second-term inauguration and his support for increased oil drilling.
Trump has consistently voiced his disapproval of paper drinking straws.
"They want to ban straws. Has anyone tried those paper straws? They're not working too good. It disintegrates as you drink it, and if you have a nice tie like this tie, you've got no choice." he said during a 2020 campaign rally against Biden.

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