Friends, 11 and 10, set bike and sidecar record

9 months ago 42
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Nicola Rees/BBC Jack Taylor and Alfie BarracloughNicola Rees/BBC

Jack Taylor and Alfie Barraclough have been racing since they were eight

Two young friends have set a land speed world record on a motorbike with a sidecar.

Jack Taylor, 11, from Leeds, and Alfie Barraclough, 10, from Bradford, clocked 48mph in a 500m dash on their custom-built bike.

The boys, who were already world record holders on their individual bikes, are the youngest ever to hold a sidecar record.

The pair said they were "pretty chilled" during the race and were "thrilled" with their result.

Alfie Barraclough

Alfie described the feeling on the sidecar as "gliding"

The challenge, at Elvington Airfield near York on Saturday, saw Jack in the driving seat while Alfie was laid down on the sidecar as the pair hit the UK & International Timing Adjudication record speed.

Alife described lying down on the sidecar as "tummy tickling due to the vibrations" and said it felt like he was "off the ground gliding".

Jack said the challenge was exhilarating and added: "We held on very tightly. I had to tuck in tight and Alfie had to tuck in tight towards my legs as well."

Both boys have been bike mad since they were young and spent years honing their skills before racing from the age of eight.

Nicola Rees/BBC Jack Taylor and Alfie BarracloughNicola Rees/BBC

The boys said they did not get scared when hitting the high speed

Alfie's mum Lexi Barraclough said she tried not to think about the speeds at which the boys were travelling because if not she would get too anxious.

"The result is amazing. It means their names go down in history."

Jack's mum Joanne Taylor said she was "so so proud" of the boys.

"You're a parent, you panic but you see your child do something like that and it's the most amazing feeling.

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